Saturday, March 29, 2008

Nauvoo Games

This is a picture of most of the family playing before the Nauvoo Pageant begins. Mom isn't in the picture...someone had to take it! We had a blast while there. What a great bunch of memories!

About the Family

Whats up with everyone?

Dad is a hard worker at Harry and David, and takes good care of the familyHe is dedicated to making sure all is well with the family, and making sure we have enough money and order around the house He is loving and caring, and helps cook for us, and does very well at it. We are all glad he has our backs and cares for us.

Mom is a wonderful house mom, caring for the family and making everyone feel at home. She's keeping everyone tight together, and pursuing her goals. She can't stop thinking about Cooper going away for 2 years Mom is hanging in there, though Believe it or not, mom is participating in the Children's Musical Theatre of Oregon (CMTO), in a play called Broadway Before and Beyond, and gets to sing, dance, and work hard but have fun at the same time. It gives her enjoyment, and time to spend with her two daughters Clara and Sydney. She makes life a true blessing for everyone around her.

Lucy is at BYU college, as a junior, and is majoring in life sciences with landscape management She is also minoring in Spanish.Lucy was in a luau, and did a wonderful job.She is really enjoying her time at BYU, but loves to visit family.

Cooper is a graduate from North Medford High School and is ready for a mission He sent in his papers, the apostles examined them, and decided he's going to the Colorado Denver South mission! We all wonder, 'how will he survive without his guitar?' Cooper is happy he's about to start a big adventure, give good luck, and we know all is going to go well.

Clara is a freshman at North Medford High School and is in the mixed choir. She enjoys singing, dancing, playing the piano, and wishes she still did gymnastics. Clara loves having time to spend with friends, and do what she loves, all at the same time She is doing well in school, and is glad to be able to go to EFY and have the class Seminary at school.

Sydney is a 7th grader at Hedrick Middle School, and enjoys being a teenager. She is in orchestra at school, and in the Cantare Chorus. Sydney loves to be with friends and family, doing what she does best. She's having fun exploring the world of middle school, and plans on being a writer when she grows up